Why not?
The Bhagavad-Gita refutes all the excuses we may offer to delay our spiritual journey.
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A man of unbreakable determination resolved to climb the peaks of the Himalayan ranges. After arriving at the foothills, he checked into his hotel room in preparation for the arduous expedition ahead. He rose the next morning, donned his mountaineering gear, and made his way to the hotel check out. Upon reaching the reception he peered outside and saw an aggressive snow storm in bitingly cold temperatures. Not a soul in sight. Undeterred and undaunted, he handed his keys to the receptionist and headed straight for the door. “Where are you going?!” the receptionist exclaimed, “there’s a weather warning and hazardous conditions – nobody treks in such a situation!” Aware of the obvious obstacles, the trekker looked back with a sparkle in his eye and replied – “Because my heart has already reached the peak, there won’t be any problem for my body to reach.” With those prophetic words he ventured on, navigated the complexities and arrived at his desired destination.
If your heart reaches, everything else falls into place. When we have that determination, desire and rock-solid dedication, no external obstacle can disable our progress. If we’re convinced, nothing can derail us. The Bhagavad-Gita is an extraordinary book because it reveals the most adventurous, exciting and rewarding journey that anyone could possibly embark upon – a venture to the peaks of spiritual perfection where one comes face-to-face with God. It’s the road less travelled, but the one which leads to the fulfilment of our innermost desire. If we implant the determination deep within, nothing can stop us - no excuse not to be successful.
In this section, we’ll share with you eighteen everyday excuses that individuals often present to justify why they can’t activate their spiritual journey. Upon close inspection, you’ll see how Krishna, in each chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita, ingeniously deconstructs every conceivable argument. He’ll demonstrate that the only impediment to success is the compulsive tendency to disempower ourselves. Someone once told me – “If you're good at making excuses then you'll never be good at anything else in your life!” I witnessed their words of wisdom run true on more than one occasion!
How Krishna inspires Arjuna is truly poetry in motion. He doesn’t just tell Arjuna what to do, but He educates him in why he should do it and how he should do it. Further, Krishna’s words instil an inspiration that empowers Arjuna to fully embrace the call to action. Sit back, open your heart, and let Krishna address every reservation. This is our chance to break free from the invisible chains that have impeded our spiritual growth for lifetimes.
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