How to...

"The Bhagavad-Gita transforms you into the best version of yourself."

How to...

Most people think of the Bhagavad-Gita as a religious book. You can see why, but Krishna, the speaker, ironically concludes His teaching by recommending we abandon conventional religion, which can degenerate over time and become ritualistic, superficial and at best something cultural. Some people see the Bhagavad-Gita as a philosophical book. That’s true, and the Gita does indeed present paradigm-shifting insights which jolt us out of ingrained ways of thought. Yet there is more. Could we say the Bhagavad-Gita is a spiritual book? That gets closer since many, regardless of religious or philosophical standpoint, are looking for a ‘higher experience’ of reality beyond the physical phenomena.

For me, however, the Bhagavad-Gita is something far more universal and practical - a life companion. Religious or not, philosophical or not, spiritual or not, the Bhagavad-Gita equips the reader with the vision and tools to navigate life, and its inevitable twists and turns, with grit and grace. All can benefit from its ever-fresh wisdom which empowers one to become the best version of themselves.

The Bhagavad-Gita is the ultimate ‘How-To’ guide. If you’re wondering how to make good choices, how to find success, how to be present in the moment or how to turn your life around, then look no further. The Gita doesn’t simply encourage you to invest in a better after-life, but it empowers you to build a powerful present life. This ancient classic presents the quintessence of self-development.

Social media and the online world bursts with snappy and snazzy titbits of motivation that make perfect sense. We’re reminded of the five cardinal principles of happy marriage, the three ways to diffuse anger, the four steps to enduring vitality, and the seven qualities that will win you the best friends on the planet; information meant to help us create a progressive, peaceful and pain-free life. Modern-day self-development promotes the ideals, but how much does it actually equip and empower one to genuinely imbibe this refined mental state? A shift in our mindset and instinctive emotional response requires a deeper transformation of consciousness. There has to be profound existential awakening. Only when we see our life situation as a chapter of a longer story, when we understand that we are spiritual beings on a human journey, and when we deeply connect with the Divine Genius who is behind the workings of nature – only then can we function with genuine and sustained positivity. There can be no substantial self-development without spiritual development, since the self is by nature spiritual. To really improve ourselves, we must first deeply understand who we are and why we exist.

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